Guidance for Immigrant Entrepreneurs


As an immigrant entrepreneur, choosing the perfect location for a new immigrant business is crucial to its success. The phrase "location, location, location" is often repeated in the world of real estate, but it's just as important when it comes to starting a business. Choosing the right location is especially important for a new immigrant business because they often face unique challenges that other businesses may not encounter. For example, language barriers and cultural differences can make it difficult to attract customers and build a loyal customer base.  However, choosing the right location can help overcome some of these challenges. A strategic location can help tap into a specific market or community that may be more receptive to the business’ products or services.

This blog post will discuss why location is such an important consideration for new businesses and provide tips on how to choose the perfect spot for the venture. Whether starting a restaurant, retail store, or service-based business, these tips will help find the ideal location for the new enterprise.

Key Factors to Consider

There are many factors that should be considered when evaluating location options for a new business.  While it may feel overwhelming initially, a short list of factors is provided below.  While not an exhaustive list, it includes some of the most important factors and should help focus the process.

Key factors include:

  • Market potential and demand for the products or services offered by the business
  • Availability and cost of labour, land, utilities, and other resources
  • Proximity and accessibility to customers, suppliers, distributors, and competitors
  • Whether there is a local community of people with similar backgrounds, which can act as a support network, both personally and in business
  • Legal and regulatory environment, including taxes, permits, licenses, and incentives
  • Socio-cultural and economic characteristics of the region, such as demographics, income levels, education, culture, and language
  • Infrastructure and amenities available in the area, such as roads, water, power, internet, and public services
  • Economic policy and stability of the region, such as interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, and political risks
  • Personal preferences and goals of the business owner, such as family ties, lifestyle, growth opportunities, and social responsibility

These factors may vary in importance depending on the type, size, and stage of the new Canadian immigrant business. A thorough research and analysis of these factors can help the business owner identify the best location that meets their needs and objectives.

Consider Sales Channels and Supply Sources


Different types of locations, such as urban, suburban, rural, or online, have their own advantages and disadvantages that may affect the success of the business. For example, urban locations may offer a larger and more diverse customer base, better access to transportation and infrastructure, and more opportunities for networking and collaboration. However, they may also entail higher costs of rent, taxes, utilities, and labour, as well as more competition and regulation.

Suburban locations may provide lower costs, less congestion, and more space.  They may also have a smaller and less diverse market, less visibility, and more dependence on cars. Rural locations may benefit from lower costs, less competition, and more community support, but they may also face challenges such as limited market size, access to resources, infrastructure, and skilled workers.

Online businesses may allow for more geographic flexibility, scalability, and reachability, but they may also require more investment in technology, security, marketing, delivery requirements and customer service.  Given the dramatic impact that sales have on the success of a business, immigrant entrepreneurs should weigh the pros and cons of the selling channel when deciding on their location decision.


Welcoming Provinces

Canada is a diverse and welcoming country that offers many opportunities for immigrant entrepreneurs. Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta are the most populous provinces in Canada, accounting for 86.5% of the country's population.  Manitoba by comparison is quite small but is very welcoming to immigrants with multiple programs to assist immigrant-owned businesses.  Highlighted below are key provinces and some of the resources available to immigrant entrepreneurs.

Eastern Canada

Ontario: Ontario is Canada's most populous and economically powerful province, with a large and vibrant market for goods and services. Ontario has several programs and initiatives to help immigrant entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses.  The programs include the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) Entrepreneur Stream, the Starter Company Plus program, and the Business Advisory Services program. Ontario also has a strong network of business incubators, accelerators, and mentors that provide guidance and resources to immigrant entrepreneurs.

Quebec:  Quebec has a dynamic and innovative economy, with sectors such as aerospace, information technology, biotechnology, and green energy. Quebec is the only province in Canada where French is the official language (instead of English). The province offers many services and supports for Francophone immigrants who want to live and work in French, such as language courses, settlement assistance, and networking opportunities.  Support information for immigrant entrepreneurs can be found at Immigrate to Quebec website where there are investor and entrepreneur options.

Central Canada

Manitoba: Manitoba is a prairie province in central Canada, with a stable and diversified economy that relies on agriculture, manufacturing, energy, and mining. This province has a friendly and inclusive community that values multiculturalism and diversity. Manitoba has several programs and supports for immigrant entrepreneurs, such as the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) Business Investor Stream, the Manitoba Business Start Program, and the Manitoba Business Resource Centre.

Western Canada

British Columbia: British Columbia (BC) is Canada's westernmost province, with a diverse and dynamic economy that spans various sectors, such as technology, tourism, and natural resources. BC has a strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship and welcomes immigrant entrepreneurs who can contribute to its economic growth and social development. The province has several programs and services to support immigrant entrepreneurs, such as the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Entrepreneur Immigration Stream, and the BC BizPaL service.

Alberta:  Alberta has a diverse and skilled workforce as well as the lowest business tax rate in Canada at just 8%.  This makes Alberta an attractive destination for entrepreneurs who want to launch their business with minimal costs.  Alberta programs to support immigrant entrepreneurs include Business Link and the Immigrant Entrepreneur Program.



Canada is a country that values diversity, innovation and entrepreneurship. It offers many benefits for new immigrant businesses, such as access to a large and skilled workforce, a stable legal system, a competitive tax regime, and support organizations. Whether the business is started in a big city like Toronto, Ontario or in a smaller community like Winnipeg, Manitoba, there is a welcoming and dynamic environment that can help a new immigrant business succeed.


The immigration path to Canada can feel complex, however, there is support available.  Canadian immigration attorneys are well versed in navigating the process and selecting the best immigration program for the need.  If you have questions or would like to speak to an immigration attorney, we can provide a referral.

At Strategic Element we provide business plan writing services to support immigrant business applications.  This can often provide a roadmap for the new business.  To learn more about how Strategic Element can support your immigration business plan needs, reach out to us at  Or call our North American toll-free line at 1-888-834-5565.